Who doesn't love apple pie and white picket fences? Fourth of July, suburbs, fireworks, family,
-stability. Going down the street and actually knowing your neighbors. Wearing your sunday best. Summer road trips, vacations, the enrichment of one's character. Baseball. Going to a prep school, going to college, getting a job. Growing old, having had a good life, sitting in the balmy sun on the porch and enjoying the rest of your days. This is America. Who could ask for anything more?
I don't think you can ask for anything more. Yay 1950's suburbia!
this ideal family is just no longer sustainable in this current economy.
sounds like a country song...
haha.."sunday best"
don't mock the sunday best
My dear Mr. Hernandez, let us not forget the likes of William Jennings Bryan, a true American hero! His fervor for fambly values was a sight to behold.
For a nominal fee compared to housing in SF, you could probably life this "American" lifestyle in the midwest or anywhere boring
who said the heartland was boring?
The American Dream is dead. Fuck America. Fuck the White Picket Fence. Fuck my neighbors. Fuck my Sunday Best...it's all fake.
Why you be hatin America? As Nicolas said before, you is dribblin words out yo mouf without even knowin they meanings. It don't matter if it be fake o not.
From what I am reading, you sound like one of those dumbass super "proud to be American." You love America don't you?, your family is probably well off and you are just so happy to be living it. But, you don't look at the other side. Again, The American dream is DEAD. There are countless people trying to get their own. Trying to live in 'the house with the white picket fence.' But unfortunately, the society of today has made it impossible. It's all fake, and you're stupid to be taking all this as a joke. I actually like some of your blogs, but this one is a sensitive topic for me.
yea bitch be un-American, man. Who care's about the land you're feeding off of? Let it rot, be unpatriotic.
society does need some restructuring, but that doesn't mean the american dream is dead. Besides, the american dream really wasn't intended for everyone in the first place. Racism, elitism, and hatred of certain groups were expressed in America since day one.
what we have now is the result of generations of legislation that worked to ensure the american dream for the "right people". I'm not saying it should be that way, that's just what it is.
And all of this is beside the point, because the point of the post was to illustrate an ideal lifestyle, (at least in my opinion), and not to say what everyone gets, but wants.
Why not love America? I would say that it is better than many other countries in the world. I wasn't joking when I posted this, because I believe the American dream is something we should aspire to, not abandon due to the current situation.
I can also see how the sentence "This is America" provides basis for your statement for reasons you have already stated, but don't over think it.
Pastorhsiao, you seriously need to shut the fuck up. If i recall, you are the one who said, quote, "this ideal family is just no longer sustainable in this current economy." Kinda funny, don't you think?
People like you are the reason why the world's gone to hell, Bob. Some kid in Africa is stuck to eating grubs because of you. Good job asshole.
Why are you guys fighting?
Love is the solution to every problem.
Besides, I'm sick of arguing about the American Dream in English class--don't carry it online.
The American dream, in all its vagueness, is a dream. It isn't some doctrine that the American government or people needs to abide by and help everyone achieve. Those who have achieved the dream have achieved some selfish reality, but honestly, it gives them a reason to be proud of their heritage. If it is in their interest to make everyone proud of that heritage, then i guess that they are just humanitarians, though idiotic. Being patriotic does not necessitate attaining the American Dream. Everyone should love their country no matter what the government doesn't provide you. The American Government does not have the power to give anyone the American dream (i.e. the facets listed in Kyle's article), just equal opportunity, which still needs further development.
sorry we couldn't appease you o great joe blagga, how foolish of me. and that love crap isn't funny, its just crap
a pat on the back for pastor
I shall bring you to my church, kyle...the church of America.
The same goes for you jackasses too. Stop blathering on about stupid crap. "the church of America," what the hell are hell are you talking about pastor? A core American belief is the separation between church and state. Stop talking in nonsensical contradictions already, because nothing's gonna stand in our way, not tonight.
what do you mean by tonight?
The fortunate ones
To be fast and free and young
I want to count myself among
The fortunate ones
We won't be denied
We know that time is on our side
We've got the passion and the pride
We won't be denied
* This generations
With fire in our eyes
Strong are the ties that bind us
We don't need no alibis
** Nothing's gonna stand in our way
Nothing's gonna stand in our way
Nothing's gonna stand in our way
Not tonight
We want it all
And tonight we got the call
We're running high but we won't fall
We want it all
We won't be denied
Like a breaker at high tide
We're gonna take this sweet joy ride
We won't be denied
Grew expectations
Moments in the sun
We've waited all our lives
And now we know our time has come
That's what I meant.
Stan Bush...?
It's Nothing's Gonna Stand in our Way
by Spectre General
reveal thyself, anonymous
well, stranahan, you should be sorry you can't appease me--ah well, I forgive you, sinner.
And as for "anonymous," pastor, all you need to know is that he is a giant pain that takes every comment, no matter how jocular, seriously and thinks he is the best at everything--thank God he is leaving next year!
Hey "Anonymous," Why don't you grow yourself a pair of balls and reveal who you are. Stop being a little pussy. People like you piss me off.
fuck u niggers, fuck u bob suck a cock faggot ball sack eater
this blog is so awesome. i mean cmon, there are so many comments by so many diverse people that it must be one of the most visited blogs on earth good job
I hate stupid little bitches who copy my name. hey "Bob", stop pretending to be me and reveal yourself. Stop being such a bitch and show who you really are, because pretending to me isn't working. Unless you're afraid of me kicking your ass, of course.
-HAHAHAHAHAHA nice try trying to copy me. If you plan to copy someone else, then you might want to do your research first. First mistake-you spelled Bob with a lower case "b." Fucking idiot, why would you spell a first name with a lowercase letter? Don't they teach you that in 1st grade? Or are you too stupid to remember? haha pathetic. Why don't you go find yourself a life bitch. I know you wish you were someone else because your life sucks fucking donkey balls. BG
And as for "Anonymous." ok, your the one calling people a bitch, yet you're too much of a scared pussy with absolutely no courage to reveal who you are. Do everyone a favor and go suck off your dad. BG
That was a different anonymous, you dumbass. It's possible for more than one person to post anonymously. Hell even you can do it. Second, I am offended at how you persecute people based on their names. Just because I'm named anonymous, i'm suddenly a pussy? If you were named Tom Green, I wouldn't assume you to be green colored. So go eat shit and die.
It's obvious you came later than before "Anonymous1" and I were conversing. I apologize if you were offended, but nobody was talking to you.
you guys should come up with more unique aliases if you do choose to have one...
...I'm anonymous one. The nigger ball suck anonymous is a different person.
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